June 2, 2018 I am BLOG

I spent a couple hours this afternoon drinking beers and typing up a blog post but there was a glitch in the Matrix and it's all gone so I'll try to write it again so here goes...

Can I just say, I'm having such a difficult time selling an old Samsung Galaxy S6 which works perfectly, but it's this weird hacky unlocked international phone that I bought off Amazon.com, but then I'm also pissed at Amazon because I sent it to them using their Trade-In program but they rejected it because something to do with the carrier settings... But I'm like, I bought it from you guys! So, I've been dealing with this phone using a site called Mercari which seems kind of cool. Was I writing a blog post?


So, over the past couple weeks I made some progress with gamedev, mixed reality, and I might be doing some kind of teaching gig next month... The nice thing about having written a blog post earlier in the day is I have these animated gifs that I made already so I don't really have to type much because people are really more interested in the gifs, am I right?


Here's the one where I was talking about updating the frustum shape for the force grab and force push mechanics. Now they behave a little more naturally I think. Here's one of the gifs:

Dynamic Lights
Here's some dynamic lighting. I'm pooling 10 lights and having them stick to the most recent cut:

Collision Sounds
I updated the collision sounds but there isn't a gif for that. I'll post my latest full screen cap instead. But basically the clanking sounds probably sound better and I assume they are more performant for some reason:

Liv mixed reality

This is the really cool thing. During the long holiday weekend I set up a greenscreen and configured the Liv Client to capture a mixed-reality video of me playing Beat Saber which is not in any way connected with the work that I'm doing but I know it's really confusing for some people but what the F?

Beat Saber - I have nothing to do with this game, it's just a game that I like to play because it's awesome. This is a great clip where I bumped the camera:

And then I installed the LIV SDK into my own game and gave that a try:

Baking a shader thingy

So, I thought I would try to optimize the hot glowy metal shader by baking out some mathematical calculations into basically a texture map where i can look up the emission color based on the heat signal which is a combination of signals and looks cool because it changes over time.

The thing I learned was awesome because now I can modify and write out a texture. But, in the end it didn't speed things up all that much. What I need to do is to move the animated portion of the texture into a vertex color that I can modulate while leaving the shader alone. This should allow all of the shader passes to render in one single batch instead of like several hundred "batches".

Ya know what? It's late and I'll write up a whole post about this baking of math into a texture and writing it out because that will take me a little time to rewrite in a form that makes sense. Actually, it has been a very good couple weeks. I've been so overwhelmed by personal tasks I also started using a todo app which is hard to believe because I used to do just fine with my own way of writing lists. Oh, and I started writing a little handbook filled with my personal take on developing for VR so I can basically stick to a standard of sorts and stay focused.

Well, I do have one thing I can share with you that didn't get lost when my computer wigged out.. Here's that texture map that I baked out based on the emission color over time. So, you would basically have a heat signal coming into the shader and based on the "hotness" it would change according to this image which represents the signal from 0 -> 1 or cold to hot:

0 = cold side 1 = hot side

For some reason I remember ending the blog with the metal sign so whatever \m/


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