April 30, 2018 - Cutting a humanoid robot in VR
So, for the past couple weeks I've been a little distracted with a video editing project but now that that's out of the way I've begun looking into building and testing a robot that can be chopped into bits and switch from animated state to a ragdoll state. It looks like I've got that working pretty well after the past few days of iterations.
The trickiest thing was on parts where there are multiple joints, like the torso's connection to the neck and two arms it took me a while to figure out that to associate a specific joint with the target rigidbody, I needed to open up two Inspector windows to drag the correct joint over. So, in earlier iterations the head would go flying off because the joint wasn't properly associated and I had problems with the hip joints as well.
Nuts and bolts: What I mean when I say I'm associating a joint with the target rigidbody, I have a "JointConnection" class on the target gameObject which knows which joint is connected and where the joint is anchored such that when the mesh gets cut it knows which joint to stay connected to and which one to detach from depending on where the mesh gets cut.
I'd like to refine the process of determining how parts get detached from the animated skeleton. At the moment it is determined by the skeletal hierarchy which doesn't work if you chop off the legs because the torso remains floating as if nothing happened. Sure, I could go completely ragdoll but I don't want the robot to fall down if you just cut off his arm or little finger.
Here's the latest video:
Last Friday 4/27 I posted this first-pass of the robot.
The torso was rigged to come apart but the legs still remain animated unless you cut them down
to little pieces:
Screenshot Saturday 4/28 I had the whole robot rigged to cut apart but there were glitches that needed to be fixed:
The trickiest thing was on parts where there are multiple joints, like the torso's connection to the neck and two arms it took me a while to figure out that to associate a specific joint with the target rigidbody, I needed to open up two Inspector windows to drag the correct joint over. So, in earlier iterations the head would go flying off because the joint wasn't properly associated and I had problems with the hip joints as well.
Nuts and bolts: What I mean when I say I'm associating a joint with the target rigidbody, I have a "JointConnection" class on the target gameObject which knows which joint is connected and where the joint is anchored such that when the mesh gets cut it knows which joint to stay connected to and which one to detach from depending on where the mesh gets cut.
I'd like to refine the process of determining how parts get detached from the animated skeleton. At the moment it is determined by the skeletal hierarchy which doesn't work if you chop off the legs because the torso remains floating as if nothing happened. Sure, I could go completely ragdoll but I don't want the robot to fall down if you just cut off his arm or little finger.
Here's the latest video:
Last Friday 4/27 I posted this first-pass of the robot.
The torso was rigged to come apart but the legs still remain animated unless you cut them down
to little pieces:
Screenshot Saturday 4/28 I had the whole robot rigged to cut apart but there were glitches that needed to be fixed:
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