Credit Card Debt Payment Calculator
After my previous post where I had written a perl script calculator to determine how long it would take to pay off a credit card if I made regular payments, I rewrote it in php and made a web page out of it. I also fixed issues with the calculations so this is new and improved!
I hope someone out there finds this useful or provides some awareness about how easily credit card debt can spiral out of control. But the opposite is true as well, that you can keep your debt under control instead of becoming a victim of the system. If you are disciplined you can see the end of your debts.
Here's a link to the original page.
I think a better way to think about this is to know how much interest you're paying in advance so you can plan for the future. Maybe if the money you keep allows you to make more money than the interest payments take away and with careful planning, you can use this to build wealth. It's all about perspective and how you choose to use this information. But I would advise you find a lower percentage loan to replace your credit card if possible.
Usage: You can input your own numbers and click submit. If you leave fields empty the default values will be used.
And here's frame view. Enjoy!:
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