Capacitance Calculator for Apple II Joystick builds

This past week I have had the amazing experience of learning how to build an analog Apple II joystick from spare parts that I (mostly) already had.  I found some very helpful posts online, but the most helpful one came from this site:

I'm still working on finishing my first build which from the looks of it, might be made mostly out of foam core... but in the meantime I wanted to share this handy tool for anyone else who might need it.

Capacitance Calculator:

I was a little put off by having to do some arithmetic to calculate capacitance required to compensate for differing resistance values from the potentiometers I'm using. For the build, I did the math by hand and then tweaked the values on the breadboard, but I thought it would be convenient to write an interactive tool to check my work so that's what I did here:

I specifically added conversion to nanofarad because that's how it shows up on my multimeter and I didn't want to do the conversion in my head LOL!


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